PMRC’s Prostate MRI Courses
Virtual Hands-on Prostate MRI course for Radiologists
The 3-day course on prostate MRI is aimed at both beginning and experienced radiologists who want to specialize in multiparametric prostate MRI. The course is a combination of hands-on MR-evaluation on a workstation (65%) and lectures by experts (35%). Each participating radiologist has access to an online dedicated prostate workstation via his own laptop and a database of more than 100 multiparametric prostate MRIs with increasing difficulty. Corresponding casebooks help you on the way. The lectures cover all aspects of prostate diagnosis, including PSMA scans and nanoMRI. Minimal invasive local therapy is also addressed.
After this course, you will be able to independently report multiparametric prostate MRIs using PIRADS v.2.1. In addition, you will be up-to-date about the advances in diagnostics and minimal invasive treatment of prostate cancer.
Next courses:
Courses by Request
Costs: €1900 per participant
CME accreditation: An application will be made to the UEMS EACCME® for CME accreditation (18 credits) of this event.
NVvR accreditation: This course has received 19 credits from the Radiological Society of the Netherlands.
Registration: click here.
tHE Center of Excellence coursE
The Center of Excellence course for Radiologists is the final step to become part of the Center of Excellence Network. This course can only be followed after both the Hands-on Prostate MRI Course for Radiologists and the Hands-on Prostate MRI Course for Radiographers.
The Center of Excellence Course for Radiologists consists of one-on-one training through double reading of cases, which are scanned at the sites of the participating center. Radiologists are guided through the reading of 100 MRI scans at their own facility. All of these cases will be double read by the Radboudumc prostate MRI experts, and one-on-one feedback will be provided to improve both image quality and interpretation.
After this course, your center is a Center of Excellence and you can independently make and read high-quality multi-parametric MRI of the prostate. A Center of Excellence can be a partner of our Network based on a set of criteria:
Availability of adequate MRI-equipment
Presence of MRI-technicians that are certified by the Radboudumc
Presence of Radiologists that are certified by the Radboudumc (Center of Excellence)
Centers participating in the network comply with the uniform way of working, and will be able to show their quality by fulfilling objective criteria. Quality is guaranteed for the patient.
For this course we have teamed up with MIM and their Zero-client Cloud-based prostate workstation. The workstation allows us to do (pseudonymous) double reading of the Prostate MRI according to the most recent privacy guidelines.
Registration and more information: To register, please contact us via Or request a 30-minute online session with us to learn more about this course without any obligation.